3 Tips to Ruin Your Photo with a Watermark

Strange as it may seem: photographers, who should be highly creative persons with fine artistic taste tend to be bloody awful designers.

But don’t get me wrong here. I’m not expecting someone to be able to design me an outstanding corporate logo just because he is a great photographer.


But the massacre begins even at the level of watermarking their own photos!

Here’s a piece of really bad advice to ruin your $10 000-worth-photo (who knows?) in a second:

1. Be greedy

How much space can your watermark possibly take? I think I may use an even bigger font size if I tilt it to 45 degrees.

Pretended Modesty

But seriously, even if your watermark is small and you’ve placed is somewhere at the bottom, it still catches the eye and can pretty much become the main point of interest in the photo – and do you really want that?

And the only case when there should be text on your photograph is when you took a picture of it ??

So always remember: if you need to place a watermark on your photo, make it visible only to those who look for it intentionally:

PS: This post was inspired by famous russian designer Artemiy Lebedev

PPS: Imagine you see this in Louvre…








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